斜境系列 Incline Territory series

作品概要 | Summary

關鍵字 | Keywords

單斜境 Mono Incline Territory

Wood, stainless steel, power machinery, acrylic
75 x 145 x 20 cm

三斜境 Tri-incline Territory

Wood, stainless steel, power machinery, acrylic
156 x 30 x 26 cm, 151 x 26 x 21 cm, 158 x 27 x 18 cm (245 x 206 x 26 cm)

作品說明 | Description

展覽現場文字 | Texts for exhibition
一覺醒來,以為仍是夢境,它們全靠在牆上了。 彼此呼應,由下往上走去,或者相反, 那裡沒有太大的事物存在,微微靜靜斜斜的運轉,也沒有特意的叨擾。 此時此刻它們像被徵召般似的,撐開了平面或空間,要搭起連結到另一個維度, 我們都要小心的踩,長長且窄窄卻是新奇的方向, 行進間如果你看見了同伴,別出聲響,請保持微笑,繼續的往上,或者相反。 
Awaken from a sleep, I still thought it was a dream — they were all leaning against the wall. They corresponded to one another, traveling downwards or upwards. Nothing too big existed there. Slightly, silently, slantingly, they revolved, undisturbed. In this very moment, as if they were summoned, they expanded through the surface of space to connect with a different dimension. We must all tread carefully in this long and narrow yet curious direction. If you should see a friend as you advance forward, do not make a sound. Please maintain your smile and keep going up or down.

相關連結 | Relative Links 
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